Please see Mr. Shultz or Mr. Wagner if you plan to conduct an out of school SAE so that supervision can be scheduled!
Have questions? E-mail the FFA!
e-mail: mshultz@danvillesd.org vwagner@danvillesd.org
The FFA is the world's largest youth leadership organization. There are over 12,000 FFA members in Pennsylvania alone. The Danville FFA alone has an annual membership of over 100 members! The Danville FFA is one of the high school's most active student organizations.
Danville FFA Chapter Advisors:
Mr. Michael Shultz - mshultz@danvillesd.org 570-271-3268 x 1133
Mr. Van Wagner - vwagner@danvillesd.org 570-271-3268 x 1132
Mailing Address: Danville FFA
Danville High School
733 Ironmen Lane
Danville, PA 17821